How To Take Beautiful Pictures Of Fish While Marco Island Fishing?

Social networks associated with the ubiquity of capture technology and the advent of digital technology (action cam, compact cameras, bridge, reflex, drone, etc.) make it possible to share the joy of a capture with as many people as possible, of the moment, with a rather ephemeral tendency… The photo is almost inseparable from modern fishing today. Taking pictures can be healthy for our passion. I really like the expression "pixel basket", which defines two modern and parallel aspects: no-kill and photography. Let's see this together some basics of photography applied to marco island fishing and how to keep these memories by going from the simple image of our fish to a successful photo, which makes our fishing stories all the more memorable.

The bottom

The background of your photo is what you want to remember and keep in memory of this moment: the capture of a fish, the fight, the landscape… It is the composition of an image.

Today, unfortunately, less and less attention is paid to this aspect. Often no matter how good the document is, you have to certify and prove at all costs that you have successfully caught a (big) fish. However, it is frustrating to miss the photo of a trophy fish or a memorable moment.

The first essential thing to do before you even press the shutter button on your camera is to treat fish and nature with the utmost respect. There is no great photo or great memories if the fish is not treated decently. Always take a few seconds to check that the fish is not losing blood, that it is well stung, that it is clean (no traces of grass, sand) and that it is not dry (the mucus must be transparent and shiny) before taking your photo.

The fish should be held as horizontally as possible and with both hands for large fish. It must be firmly held, without forcing on the mouth, the gills or by maintaining too much pressure on the stomach. A well-maintained fish, calmed down in the water using a landing net will always be better highlighted and sublimated than a fish held by force, with open gills or compressed body ...

Do not hesitate to stretch out your arms "slightly"! The subject of your photo is above all the fish! Even if it looks bigger, why deny it. The smaller your focal length (10, 15, 25mm…) the bigger the fish looks. It takes up more of the frame, especially when you “shoot” up close!

The photoshoot must be handled seriously if one is to release his capture. A landing net under the fish makes it possible to catch the animal if it slips out of our hands, without it falling heavily on the bank. The shorter the session, the better it will be for our scale partner.

Finally, besides the marco island fishing, remember to smile, to adopt a simple but aesthetic or fun posture! It will always be a pleasant surprise to see the cliché again years or even decades later. Take a few seconds to look around. A background made up of nature, sky, mountain and landscape… will always be more aesthetic than an unsightly or concrete background.

Group sessions are much easier and faster to generate beautiful images. Alone, we are limited. A tripod can help but take a lot of time (installation, deployment, framing, self-timer…). Alone, it is better to be satisfied with photos of its catch in a landing net which can be clean and completely highlights the fish.

The form is the ability to manage technical notions to generate a clean, well-exposed and aesthetic photo. Here are some basics of photographs, which allow you to understand how to take a correct image and how to optimize certain parameters according to your needs, your desires. If the automatic mode present on almost all cameras allows you to take correct photos, this mode has limits and it is quite easy to get cleaner and more detailed shots with the manual mode. In automatic mode, the camera goes by itself, exposing your photo in an average way. It does not take into account the speed of the subject's movements, the sharpness or the aesthetics of the photo. The basis of the basics is to fully understand the exposure of a photo. All cameras (digital! ) are equipped with a sensor that captures the light and transforms it into an image. The art of exposing a photo is having enough light, but not too much! Not enough light and your photo will be dark. Too much light and your photo will be “burnt”, ie very bright and white.

A little experience and preparation

With the experience and confidence gained, it is then easier to let your imagination run wild. Social networks like instagram or pinterest allow you to get a lot of ideas on marco island fishing how to hold your fish, use and learn different techniques such as underwater photos, macro photography, long breaks and many others ... Digital technology offers the possibility of shooting at the infinite. So don't hesitate to make numerous tests, adjustments, framing… in order to be ready when you need to shoot a fish quickly and methodically. It also allows you to get out of the bland traditional portrait photo of holding the fish with both hands facing forward… try things. Today, many fishermen rightly place as much importance on the preparation of their camera equipment as on their fishing equipment. This material can be very expensive in the first place. It is necessary not to panic and to handle the device and the fish with serenity.